Quick Tips for the Upcoming Semester

by | Jan 3, 2020

Winter break is coming to a close and the new semester is about to begin! With that comes new classes, spring recruitment and so much more. There is so much to be excited about, but that doesn’t come without its fair share of stress. Starting a new semester off overwhelms freshman and seniors alike. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind to make this your best semester yet!


The start of the year and the new semester is a perfect time to purge. Get organized to start the semester fresh and ready to go!  Clean out your backpack, desk, purse or any other items you may hold school supplies in. Prioritize what needs to stay and what can be donated or trashed. This give you a greater sense of calmness and clarity within your personal space. Invest in a planner or use your calendar app to record and keep track of big dates such as chapter events or exams. Write down assignments or any other important things you may have to do each day. A planner can keep you more organized and accountable, reducing stress and anxiety down the road. 

Time Manage

Establish a basic daily routine to follow to keep you grounded. Studies show that but having routine improves mental health and quality of life. As a first step, try to commit to going to bed and waking up around the same time every day. Our bodies’ circadian rhythm (aka our natural internal clock) is extremely fragile, making you much more susceptible to experiencing frequent tiredness if you go to bed and wake up at irregular hours. Your “routine” could just be a few things every morning, such as showering and jotting down your goals for the day. Come up with a few things you personally would like to accomplish every single day. Doing so not only can make you feel fulfilled, but also much more prepared to take on the semester.

Don’t be Afraid to Get Involved

Just because it’s the middle of the school year doesn’t mean you can’t try something new! Many clubs and other activities allow members to join at the beginning of second semester. You could also get involved in your community through volunteering or getting a part-time job. By being more involved, we are able to have a better sense of structure and routine, keeping us more focused  when having to complete a particular task. Obviously, this has its limits. Know how much you can be involved in and assess how much fulfillment adding another activity into your life would bring. 

Get to Know Your Professors

Professors are there to aid in your academic success and prepare you for your future. It may sound intimidating, but go up to your professor after lecture or send a small introduction email. Take advantage of office hours and be attentive and present in class. They can be incredible resources for not only course material, but also for your future as a potential connection to your career field. You never know what each professor may offer, so why not put yourself out there?!

Know Where Your Classes are Ahead of Time

Take some time before your classes begin to walk around and figure out exactly where they are located. This will save you from being late or flustered on your first day!

Keep an Open Mind

With the new year and new semester comes all types of opportunities and possibilities. Be open to meeting new people, trying new things and exploring new places!

We are wishing everyone a safe and successful upcoming semester!